Newsletter March 2024
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Leiden Delft Erasmus News
Newsletter April 2024


Attention academics! If you have unique or innovative ideas and are eager to see them come to life, LDE GMD has an excellent opportunity for you!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the LDE GMD seed funding initiative, which aims to foster synergies and innovation within the LDE community. This seed funding paves way for interuniversity and interdisciplinary collaboration among LDE scholars. Visit the GMD website to find information regarding research, community-building or events. Apply before May 1st!
Read more

GMD Meets 

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Amanda Paz Alencar (ESHCC) as new Academic Executive Board (AEB) member.
With a thematic interest focusing on the intersection of communication technologies and forced migration, Amanda brings a unique research background to the centre.

Visit the GMD website to learn more about Amanda's work, her motivation to join LDE GMD, and what she wishes to bring to the centre. 
Read more


Save the date for May 15! Join the Annual GMD Career Event

Are you a GMD student or Alumni? Are you curious to learn about career prospects in fields of migration and diversity?

Join the annual GMD Career event organized by the student board to connect with GMD alumni and practitioners working in ministries and NGOs. The event will take place on May 15th at ISS. Follow our LinkedIn to get event updates!

Read more about the GMD Student Board

Join 1st GMD Alumni Networking Borrel on May 2nd!

As LDE GMD is growing, we are building an alumni network.

Are you a GMD alumnus and would like to network and (re)connect? Join the alumni Evening Drinks 
on May 2nd in Rotterdam. Please register to indicate your interests; we will reach out to inform you about the location and time.

Register Here

Interested in the GMD Masters?
Apply now to join the 2024-2025 cohort!

Interested in joining us?

Do you want to join the LDE GMD Centre? Kindly apply here to become an LDE Research Fellow or LDE Research Associate. 

Kind regards,

The LDE Centre GMD team    

prof.dr. Peter Scholten (Scientific Director EUR) Alex Huang (Executive Manager EUR)     
dr. Mark van Ostaijen (Managing Director EUR)  dr. Mirjam Twigt (Research Officer)
dr. Maria Schiller (GMD Master Coordinator EUR)   dr. Nanneke Winters (ISS/EUR)
prof.dr. Marlou Schrover (UL) prof.dr. Susanne Janssen (EUR)
prof.dr. Olaf van Vliet (UL) dr. Moritz Jesse (UL)
dr. Reinout Kleinhans (TUD)          dr. Ingrid Mulder (TUD)
Mandy Koenraads (Thesis Hub Coordinator UL) dr. Amanda Paz Alencar (EUR)
dr. Zeynep Kaşlı (ISS/EUR)
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Leiden Delft Erasmus
Universiteit Leiden
TU Delft
Erasmus University Rotterdam