Newsletter MAY 2024
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Leiden Delft Erasmus News
Newsletter May 2024

Upcoming Events


SAVE THE DATE & Call for Panels

Please save the date for the next LDE-GMD Conference! On Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, we will delve into the intricate relationship between the past, present, and future of migration and diversity governance. We'll explore how the past shapes our current society and what implications it holds for the future.

This conference will take place in Leiden and will feature a keynote speech by Anna Mazurkiewicz, roundtable discussions, and panels. You are wholeheartedly invited! Please pre-register and/ or apply for a panel (see the call for panels below).
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GMD Meets

Meet the new LDE GMD Project Officer
Alex Huang

From 2024 onwards, GMD Alumni Alex Huang will be GMD's new Project Officer. Being a queer international student and now a migrant, besides having vital interests in migration and diversity research, Alex has been active in Erasmus University Social Sciences (EUR-ESSB) faculty’s diversity and inclusion (D&I) work while doing the GMD Masters. Alex was featured as one of the four impact makers for EUR’s Lustrum series for his D&I efforts. Read more about Alex’s story here.

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Past Events

Border Criminologies Meets LDE GMD Event

GMD and Oxford's Border Criminologies scholars gathered at Leiden University to learn about each other's work. It was a joyful afternoon, with fruitful discussions on ways to collaborate. 

Border Criminologies invites GMD Members to learn about their work and thematic groups. GMD Researchers are welcome to contribute to Border Criminologies' blog posts. Check Border Criminologies' website below.

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Successful 1st GMD Alumni Networking Event

Alums from all 7 GMD Master cohorts (2016-2023) (re)connected and networked! - We are thrilled to see our alums working on migration and diversity issues across sectors, from (I)NGOs and social enterprise to academia, from local governments to ministries and embassies. We look forward to future events and seeing what this vibrant alumni network will bring us!

Are you a GMD alumnus and would like to organise fun networking events? We welcome you to join the alumni board! Sign up below.
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GMD Education

 Apply for the GMD Masters before the deadline!

Looking to gain an in-depth understanding of the most pressing issues surrounding migration and diversity? The Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD) Masters will provide you with a unique opportunity to explore these topics through an interdisciplinary lens.

Remember to apply before the deadline—EU / EEA applicants must apply before June 17th. We hope to see you in the upcoming academic year! 

GMD Masters Application Info

Interested in joining us?

Do you want to join the LDE GMD Centre? Kindly apply here to become an LDE Research Fellow or LDE Research Associate. 

Kind regards,

The LDE Centre GMD team    

prof.dr. Peter Scholten (Scientific Director EUR)

Alex Huang (Executive Manager EUR)     

dr. Mark van Ostaijen (Managing Director EUR) 

dr. Mirjam Twigt (Research Officer)

dr. Maria Schiller (GMD Master Coordinator EUR)  

dr. Nanneke Winters (ISS/EUR)

prof.dr. Marlou Schrover (UL)

prof.dr. Susanne Janssen (EUR)

prof.dr. Olaf van Vliet (UL)

dr. Moritz Jesse (UL)

dr. Reinout Kleinhans (TUD)         

dr. Ingrid Mulder (TUD)

Mandy Koenraads (Thesis Hub Coordinator UL)

dr. Amanda Paz Alencar (EUR)

dr. Zeynep Kaşlı (ISS/EUR)


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Leiden Delft Erasmus
Universiteit Leiden
TU Delft
Erasmus University Rotterdam