Register for the 2024 LDE GMD Conference
We invite you to the annual LDE GMD Conference on Wednesday, November 13th (12:00 - 17:00) in Leiden. This year, we will delve into the intricate relationship between past, present and futures of migration and diversity governance. Together, we will explore how historical events shape our current society and consider their implications for our future research.
- Opening & Closing Keynotes - The conference includes an opening keynote by historian Anna Mazurkiewicz (University of Gdansk) and a closing keynote on queer migration by Interdisciplinary scholar Łukasz Szulc (University of Manchester).
- Panel Sessions - The conference will host 10 interdisciplinary panel sessions on diverse topics, each involving scholars from multiple disciplines and universities and governance and societal stakeholders.
- White Paper - On this special ocasion, we will also lauch the GMD Centre's first White Paper ‘De Migratiestad van toen, nu en straks’. Stay tuned to our news channels for more info.
Check the Conference Webpage for the detailed programme. The conference has limited capacity, register now to secure a spot! secure a spot! |
Conference Keynotes
Historian Anna Mazurkiewicz will open the conference with a keynote illuminating the Eastern European historical perspective of migration. By exemplifying the Polish migratory experience and post-communist ethnonationalism, Anna's keynote will comprehensively explore the intricate origins of racism. Read more |
Interdisciplinary scholar Łukasz Szulc’s closing keynote brings to light the often-overlooked online experiences of queer immigrants in the UK. The keynote sheds light on the topic of queer migration and inspires the intersectional and interdisciplinary approach to future migration and diversity research. Read more |
Conference Panel Sessions
We are proud to host 10 stimulating panels that embody the LDE GMD's emphasis on transdisciplinarity, interuniversity collaboration, and social engagement. Visit the GMD web page to read more about the panels and select your preference via the registration form. |
Meet the 2024 GMD Writing Fellow - Luke van de Wouw |
We are excited to announce Luke van de Wouw as the 2024 GMD Writing Fellow! Luke will spend the next three months turning her thesis titled "Bounded Rationality in European Policymaking Processes" into a publication with the support of her thesis supervisor, Dr. Maria Schiller. Read the GMD meets interview to learn more about Luke's thesis, future aspirations, and excitement to participate and connect during the GMD conference. |
GMD Masters Welcomes the 2024-2025 Cohort
On a sunny Friday morning, 60 new GMD students from around the world gathered at Wijkpaleis to participate in the GMD Master Welcome Day to meet, greet, and join GMD's famous migration and diversity walking tour, visting Rotterdam's essential landmarks. Read more about the fruitful and heartwarming day and warmest welcome to the new cohort! |
Interested in joining us? |
Do you want to join the LDE GMD Centre? Kindly apply here to become an LDE Research Fellow or LDE Research Associate. |
Kind regards, The LDE Centre GMD team
prof.dr. Peter Scholten (Scientific Director EUR) |
Alex Huang (Executive Manager EUR) |
dr. Mark van Ostaijen (Managing Director EUR) |
dr. Mirjam Twigt (Research Officer) |
dr. Maria Schiller (GMD Master Coordinator EUR) |
dr. Nanneke Winters (ISS/EUR) |
prof.dr. Marlou Schrover (UL) |
prof.dr. Susanne Janssen (EUR) |
prof.dr. Olaf van Vliet (UL) |
dr. Moritz Jesse (UL) |
dr. Reinout Kleinhans (TUD) |
dr. Ingrid Mulder (TUD) |
Mandy Koenraads (Thesis Hub Coordinator UL) |
dr. Amanda Paz Alencar (EUR) |
dr. Zeynep Kaşlı (ISS/EUR) |
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