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SENSE e-News
Research School for Socio-Economic and
Natural Sciences of the Environment
SENSE e-News
    Newsletter May 2021
12 May 2021
Table of contents
The expected roles within science  ››
Community of remote sensing scientists organise bi-weekly webinars ››
“Groen Huiswerk” (Green Homework) platform  ››
Valuing water at IHE  ››
Upcoming courses and discussion groups
Principles of Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, 28 September - 1 October ››
Overview of PhD / postdoc courses May - July ››
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses ››
Discussion groups ››
Upcoming Events
Insight Out - Inspiring Women in STEM, 7, 14, 21 and 28 June (13-15 hrs) ››
Overview of upcoming events April - June 2021 ››
Overview of recently announced events ››
Upcoming PhD Graduations
Upcoming PhD graduations ››
Job vacancies
Overview job vacancies ››
Other vacancies in the SENSE field ››
SENSE highlights
Working on your PhD research in times of crises - FREE for SENSE PhD candidates, 10, 16, 24 June 
Principles of Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, 28 September - 1 October 

Dear SENSE member,

Normally we send you our monthly newsletter at the start of a new month. Due to technical difficulties this May edition comes a bit later. The sunny side is that we could add more content! Enjoy selecting information of your interest. 

WIMEK and SENSE celebrate the 40th anniversary of one of their coordinators: Johan Feenstra. This iconic man has worked for 40 years at the Wageningen University & Research now and strongly advocated the creation and developments within the WIMEK and SENSE networks. We dare to say that without him, WIMEK and SENSE would not have been the successful schools that they are today. Johan contributed in particular to the interdisciplinary nature of the networks, and its impact in society. We owe Johan, and thank him for his endless energy and his perseverance and congratulate him with this milestone. We are looking forward to the years ahead with Johan as WIMEK and SENSE coordinator.

SENSE team
The expected roles within science
SENSE education coordinator Peter Vermeulen reflects on the expected roles within science. Among others, he acknowledges the need as SENSE to take an active role in increasing the diversity among staff and the willingness of SENSE PhD candidates to set things right in a positive critical tone.
Community of remote sensing scientists organise bi-weekly webinars
SENSECO is a community of remote sensing scientists. Recently, the bi-weekly seminars of PhD students have started and are available on YouTube. SENSECO welcomes new members.
“Groen Huiswerk” (Green Homework) platform
One of our SENSE PhD candidates is part of a small Dutch collective who build the "Groen Huiswerk" platform, to inform on the climate crisis and how you could make a difference. The platform provides tips on books, podcast, documentaries and articles. You’ll find a list with many movements and organizations and how you could help and guidance in how to organize something yourself.
Valuing Water at IHE
Valuing Water is this year's theme from the World Water Day (22 March). IHE Delft asked their partners and students how they value water. Read about this and other activities which were organized on this important day.
Upcoming courses and discussion groups

Principles of Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, 28 September - 1 October
SENSE - Upcoming SENSE courses and other courses in the SENSE field
This course is intended for those just embarking on genomics within an ecological setting and teaches the fundamentals of the discipline, while concentrating on ecological questions. The course focuses on four topics, each of which is treated by lectures, practical assignments, case studies and participant presentations. Also, participants are encouraged to apply the principles of the course to their own research. To introduce their own work participants are asked to bring and present a research poster.

Overview of PhD / postdoc courses May - July 2021
Overview of recently announced PhD / postdoc courses

In case you are interested in either participating or teaching a course that is currently not in the programme, please do not hesitate and contact us with your suggestions.
More upcoming courses ››
Discussion groups
More discussion groups ››
Upcoming Events
Insight Out - Inspiring Women in STEM, 7, 14, 21 and 28 June (13-15 hrs)
During four afternoons we offer inspiring talks, workshops, panel discussions and networking activities.
Insight Out is a career event for women in exact, technical and natural sciences, organised by NWO, with input from LNVH, ECHO, KNAW de Jonge Akademie, PNN, PostdocNL and Young Academy Europe.

Overview of upcoming events May - July 2021
Overview of recently announced events
More upcoming events ››
Upcoming PhD graduations
Overview of PhD graduations upcoming period
  • Thi Thao Nguyen Huynh
    Integrated flood-related water quality and health risk assessment in urban areas. Case study: Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Vietnam
    13 May 2021, IHE Delft, Flood Resilience
  • Irena Ymeti
    Investigating the effect of seasonal variations, expressed by moisture and temperature changes, on soil surface stability using proximal remote sensing
    27 May 2021, University of Twente, Department of Earth Systems Analysis
  • Yasser Abassie
    Evaluating and Monitoring Environmental Exposure to Pesticide Residues in the Lake Naivasha River Basin (Kenya)
    27 May 2021, University of Twente, Department of Water Resources
  • Vincent de Leijster
    The pathway towards agroecology: From promised land to ripening business
    28 May 2021, Utrecht University, Geosciences
  • Casper Borsje
    Moving bed capacitive bioanodes
    28 May 2021, Wageningen University, Environmental Technology
  • Sam Khosravifard
    Perspective matters: individual and species movement in spatial context
    2 June 2021, University of Twente, Department of Natural Resources
More upcoming graduations ››
Job vacancies
Overview of vacancies at SENSE partners
Other vacancies in the SENSE field
More vacancies
During the month new vacancies are regularly posted on the SENSE vacancy page.

This newsletter is published by the
SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment.

If you have information that you would like to see included in the next SENSE e-News,
please use our contact form.