Hello Wim, |
This is the COOPERATE newsletter with the latest information about the COOPERATE project, which during the next months (2022-2024) will define and pilot the ERA Hubs, one of the ERA policy actions defined by the Council of the European Union for the next years. Building on the vision and success stories developed within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and their R&I ecosystems, the COOPERATE partners will contribute to the future development of the ERA Hubs as a key European flagship to promote R&I ecosystems. Follow the COOPERATE LinkedInpagina for the latest ERA-hub news.
COOPERATE aims to facilitate the harmonisation of research practices and sharing of best practices across member states, promoting a more seamless and efficient research environment within the ERA Hubs network. To aid ecosystem players such as educational institutions, local industry, policymakers, and other stakeholders, a framework for nurturing dynamic ecosystems has been developed in the so-called ‘Playbook’. In each of the upcoming newsletter one of the seven lines of action will be further elaborated with concrete tools that can be employed by an ecosystem towards the implementation of the ERA Hub framework model. This edition: Talent.  In the ever-changing landscape of research and innovation, talent plays a central role in driving progress and fostering sustainable growth. The framework of the ERA Hubs places a strong emphasis on recognising and harnessing the potential of talent as a fundamental factor in cultivating a vibrant research and innovation ecosystem. The significance of talent spans two key dimensions: educating the future talent pool, attracting, developing and retaining talent. The following recommendations can guide ecosystems towards improving and strengthening their talent development efforts as part of the journey to become an ERA Hub. These recommendations focus on aligning education with industry requirements, developing talent, making the ecosystem more attractive and accessible to international talent, and promoting diversity and equal opportunities. By implementing these strategies, ecosystems can strengthen their talent attraction, development and retention.
- Implement talent attraction and retention strategies
- Establish skills development programmes
- Promote diversity and inclusion initiatives
- Enhance internationalisation efforts
- Emphasise continuous learning and professional development
Eurotech Innovation Day in Lyngby!
On November 16th the Eurotech Innovation Day in Lyngby took place. DTU and TU/e with the support of Science City Lyngby facilitated the day, during which two dynamic co-creation workshops were being held: 1) Testing the COOPERATE Playbook and 7 Lines of Action; 2) ERA Hubs as Place-Based Ecosystems. In the first workshop, experts delved into testing the COOPERATE playbook and highlighted the significance of the following seven lines of action as key components for regional innovation: Research, Talent, Knowledge Transfer, Funding, Collaboration, Innovation, Governance. In the second workshop, participants engaged in vibrant discussions, sharing diverse perspectives from industry and academia. They focused on identifying actionable strategies for fostering effective regional ecosystems.  |
Joint Policy Brief ERA FABRIC and COOPERATE
Together with A FABRIC we published our first joint policy brief after a year of dedicated collaboration. Throughout the policy brief, attempt should be made to address the following questions: ERA Hub is a novel policy concept focused on connecting and enhancing the place based research and innovation ecosystems in Europe. It aims to foster collaboration, knowledge transfer, talent circulation, and policy alignment among different regions, sectors, and disciplines within the European Research Area (ERA). ERA Hubs are expected to contribute to the EU's strategic priorities, such as the green and digital transitions, investing in skills and education, supporting innovative businesses, and developing a robust industrial policy. This brief dives into ongoing challenges to tackle identified limitations of this innovative policy concept, through consultation, co-creation, and experimentation. Visit https://www.cooperate-project.eu/material-hub/ to read our policy brief.  |
On March 8th, members of the Co-Design Task Force together with Consortium partners have delved into testing the operational building blocks and shortlist the most promising reference models describing the operational and governance approach for future ERA-Hubs. Key aspects such as the definition of an ERA Hub, its unique added value and positioning, as well as the process for ecosystems to become ERA Hubs have been discussed through an interactive online session.  |
Upcoming events and co-creation sessions |
In the next coming months a series of events, gatherings and other happenings will take place that are related to the COOPERATE project and the ERA-hub concept. Below they are summarized:
- Round table – 22 Marc, Prague, Czech Republic. On the 22nd of March, a hybrid round table will be organized by the Czech technical university in Prague. In the round table the need and importance of ERA-Hubs for European cooperation will be discussed, in particular in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Furthermore, the round table leads to further identification of the priorities and focus areas of the ERA Hub.
- 4th COOPERATE General Assembly – 4-6 June 2024 Prague, Czech Republic. In June the next General Assembly will be organized.
Keep an eye on our COOPERATE LinkedIn page or check https://eurotech-universities.eu/ for more information on participation and registration in the upcoming weeks. |
COOPERATE is funded by the European Commission H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement 101095017 and call identifier HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-30. |