Hello Kevin, |
This is the COOPERATE newsletter with the latest information about the COOPERATE project, which during the next months (2022-2024) will define and pilot the ERA Hubs, one of the ERA policy actions defined by the Council of the European Union for the next years. Building on the vision and success stories developed within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and their R&I ecosystems, the COOPERATE partners will contribute to the future development of the ERA Hubs as a key European flagship to promote R&I ecosystems. Follow the COOPERATE LinkedInpagina for the latest ERA-hub news.
Playbook |
In our ongoing commitment to fostering a cohesive and productive research landscape, COOPERATE is focused on aligning research practices and sharing of best practices across member states. Our ultimate goal is to craft a seamless and efficient research environment within the ERA Hubs network. To support ecosystem players such as educational institutions, local industries, policymakers, and other stakeholders, the COOPERATE consortium has meticulously developed the so-called ‘Playbook’. |
Line of Action 1: Research
COOPERATE aims to facilitate the harmonisation of research practices and sharing of best practices across member states, promoting a more seamless and efficient research environment within the ERA Hubs network. To aid ecosystem players such as educational institutions, local industry, policymakers, and other stakeholders, a framework for nurturing dynamic ecosystems has been developed in the so-called ‘Playbook’. In each of the upcoming newsletter one of the seven lines of action will be further elaborated with concrete tools that can be employed by an ecosystem towards the implementation of the ERA Hub framework model. This edition: Research.  Research plays a pivotal role in fostering a strong research and innovation ecosystem within the framework of ERA Hubs. Several key factors highlight the significance of research in cultivating a thriving ecosystem. These factors include the production of world-class research, the translation of research results into addressing societal needs, the emphasis on generating economic, environmental, and societal benefits, and the promotion of public acceptance of state-funded research. An ecosystem that nurtures a culture of scientific excellence and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration can generate research outcomes that are recognised for their innovation, scientific rigor, and impact on advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Recommendations for developments are:
- Enhance research capacity and capabilities within key disciplines through infrastructure
- Promote research ethics and integrity
- Encourage open science practices
- Support long-term research projects and initiatives
- Promote a culture of research entrepreneurship and commercialisation
- Develop research-focused policies and strategies
World Open Innovation Conference
On November 9-10 the World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) took place in Bilbao, Spain. Two exciting COOPERATE events took place during this conference. One was about ‘Open Innovation and Policy: The Cases of Brainport and the Basque Country (Biscay Region)’. The session unveiled the success stories of Brainport and the Biscay region. Both regions have not only embraced but emerged as global leaders, demonstrating how effective open innovation policies can catalyze technological advancement and economic growth. Secondly a Co-Creation Workshop was organized on "Governance of Place-Based Innovation Ecosystems: ERA Hubs" . The co-creation workshop, exploring "Governance of Place-Based Innovation Ecosystems" brought together diverse perspectives from industry and academia. Discussions centered around the building blocks for a well-functioning regional ecosystem, such as ERA Hubs, featuring insights and successful examples from Europe, India, and Africa.  |
COOPERATE in Future Magazine Lyngby
Thanks to Science City Lyngby the COOPERATE project was covered in a local magazine in the Future Magazine in Lyngby on November second. “With the launch of the COOPERATE project we aim to help all EU countries to perform better and be on par with the best. Innovation has been key to Denmark and the Netherland’s growth and prosperity for decades, and we hope to inspire others on how to be more innovative. The city of Prague has been chosen as a pilot project and together with our partners we are assessing how to provide the best assistance to help foster further innovation in Prague”, says Marianna Lubanski, CEO at Science City Lyngby. This Danish magazine has a reach of 60,000 people once a year. The article is in Danish but also avaible in English via: https://vidensby.dk/en/science-city-lyngby-join-forces-with-eindhoven-and-prague-on-european-ecosystems/  |
Upcoming events and co-creation sessions |
In the next coming months a series of events, gatherings and other happenings will take place that are related to the COOPERATE project and the ERA-hub concept. Below they are summarized:
- General Assembly and Co-Creation Session 2024 – 30-31 January, Eindhoven, Netherlands. In January the next General Assembly will be organized. Join us on for an engaging co-creation session focusing as part of the COOPERATE project.
Keep an eye on our COOPERATE LinkedIn page or check https://eurotech-universities.eu/ for more information on participation and registration in the upcoming weeks. |
COOPERATE is funded by the European Commission H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement 101095017 and call identifier HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-30. |