Hello Kevin, |
This is the COOPERATE newsletter with the latest information about the COOPERATE project, which during the next months (2022-2024) will define and pilot the ERA Hubs, one of the ERA policy actions defined by the Council of the European Union for the next years. Building on the vision and success stories developed within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and their R&I ecosystems, the COOPERATE partners will contribute to the future development of the ERA Hubs as a key European flagship to promote R&I ecosystems. Follow the COOPERATE LinkedInpagina for the latest ERA-hub news.
Second General Assembly in Denmark |
After having had the kick-off in Brainport Eindhoven earlier this year, a second General Assembly was hosted by DTU Skylab and Science City Lyngby. On 14 and 15 June an interesting and fruitful discussion took place in Denmark on the process towards an initial ERA hub framework, the playbook, toolbox, and platform, and the challenges, strategies & expected outcomes for the project.   |
Governance is a key factor in the success of Innovation Districts
The governance of innovation districts requires coordinated action, a shared vision, and a strategic land use and financing approach, a research paper shows. Highly relevant for the discussion in ERA-hub context. Why Governance Matters: An analysis on how innovation districts “Organize for Success”, is written by Julie Wagner, Founder of The Global Institute. She concludes: “The ability for innovation districts to organize effectively can decide why one district fails while another succeeds and powerfully evolves. Unless district leaders design effective models to lead and govern, they are destined to become stuck in organizational, if not political, gridlock. This paper is a wake-up call for early and emerging districts worldwide.” Highlights: - Innovation Districts can be powerful instruments for a city’s economic and innovative development. - Not all Innovation Districts are a success. - Much of the success is dependent on governance. Read the article here  |
Upcoming events |
In the next coming months a series of events, gatherings and other happenings will take place that are related to the COOPERATE project and the ERA-hub concept. Below they are summarized:
- EuroTech Partner Days 2023 – 24-25 September, Eindhoven, Netherlands. The EuroTech Partner Days 2023 will take place at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands! The Partner Days provide a yearly occasion to staff from our partner universities all over the world to meet our six universities at the same time. Learn more about the identity and opportunities offered by the EuroTech Universities, about their study programmes, student mobility frameworks, etc. please visit https://eurotech-universities.eu/news-and-events/events/eurotech-partner-days-2023/ for more information.
- UNLimited 2023 – 28-29 September, Den Bosch, Netherlands. UNLimited is an annual gathering about transcending bounderies for everyone who works at, with and for universities. Universities will show how they work continuously towards better education, excellent research and an even bigger impact on their region. On friday, Prof.dr.ir. Marcel Bogers organises an scientific workshop on Open Innovation Ecosystems.
- European Week of Regions and Cities – 9-12 October, Brussels, Belgium. The 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities features 200+ sessions. All activities will happen in person in Brussels. The full agenda will be available on the event website soon. Registration opens at the end of July. The 2023 edition focuses on six topics:
- Regions in post-industrial transition
- Retaining talent for regional growth
- Small and mid-size urban centres driving growth
- Breaking barriers to cross-border cooperation
- Local energy shift for security and sustainability
- Promoting social innovation
- 'Universities as Drivers of Innovation in European Regional Ecosystems' – 11 October, Brussels, Belgium. During the European Week of Regions and Cities is the session 'Universities as Drivers of Innovation in European Regional Ecosystems' one to take in particular in mind. This session explores the role of universities as drivers of change in European Innovation Ecosystems, with a particular focus on mid-size regional and urban areas. By adopting a multi-disciplinary, challenge-based, educational approach and a multiple helix model of innovation, universities can contribute to the development of a polycentric and networked model of innovation, connecting urban and rural areas and helping municipalities to adopt innovative solutions.
- 10th annual World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) 2023 — 9-10 November, Bilbao, Spain. The WOIC brings theory and practice closer together. It seeks the latest in academic research on open innovation, and combine that in our program with challenges faced by industry executives who manage open innovation in their organizations. In addition, the WOIC aims at engaging policy makers to better understand the opportunities and challenges associated with designing effective open innovation policy measures. Visit https://worldopeninnovation.com/ for more information.