TU Delft Women in Science
Reservation Nanny Service l 5 October 2023
During the DEWIS event on 5 October 2023 we would like to give parents and caregivers the opportunity to join the event and/or join us for the drinks in the Foyer. Parents can bring their children to a professional Nanny Service during the event, from 14.45 - 18.00 hr. We need to make an inventory beforehand about the amount of children attending. After you have made a reservation we will contact you for further details and to explain the further procedure.

Note that for every child you have to fill in the form separately. 
We are sorry to inform you that the Nannie Service is fully booked. If you want to be added to our waiting list, please send an email to dewis@tudelft.nl.
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TU Delft Women in Science