Locatus heeft een nieuw bankrekeningnummer
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Het bankrekeningnummer van Locatus is gewijzigd naar BE76949140195, ten name van LOCATUS BELGIE B.V. Klik op de link voor de bankverklaring.
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Locatus B.V. and Locatus Belgïe B.V. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Green Street Advisors, LLC. While Green Street offers some regulated investment advisory services through its U.S. and U.K. companies, the U.S. and Canada Research, Data, and Analytics, the U.K. Data products, and Green Street global News products are not provided in the capacity of an investment advisor or a fiduciary. The Locatus companies are not regulated Green Street businesses. Our global organization maintains information barriers to ensure the independence of and distinction between our non-regulated and regulated businesses.