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Walk 'n Talk
Take a stroll around Delft with fellow internationals and members of the Coming to Delft Service team at our monthly Walk ‘n Talk. Together, we’ll casually chat while we explore the charming streets of Delft. We’ll end with a coffee or tea at one of Delft’s many quaint cafés. If it rains we'll go straight to a café!
This is a monthly laid back event to allow international employees of TU Delft (and/or their partners) to casually mingle with each other.
International TU Delft employees and their partners.
Thursday, 22 August, from 10.30 – 12.00 hrs.
Blauwe Hart, Delft (next to the Nieuwe Kerk).
Please register below by Monday, 19 August.

Registration is no longer available. If you have questions or wish to be added to the waiting list, please contact
Coming to Delft
The Coming to Delft Service addresses the needs of newly appointed international employees and their accompanying partners and families. The relevant information provided on our website is the starting point of our service. Please visit it here.
Do you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for the Coming to Delft Service? Please contact us by e-mail at:

You can read our Privacy Statement here