EPB Center, Case Studies Newsletter (April 2022) |
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EPB Center adds more important Case Studies to the epb.center website |
As our experts keep working on the development and implementation strategies for the EPB Standards, their research proves valuable and we are proud to showcase it as best practices for any specific situation that may come across our collaborator’s building needs. To showcase our experts’ diverse capabilities on the practical implementation of the EPB Standards, we have uploaded a new “batch” of Case Studies on the epb.center website, in our goal to make it into a comprehensive knowledge platform. |
Case Study EN 15316-1 Heating and domestic hot water systems, general part |
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This case study is focused on the standard EN 15316-1 which is the general module for heating and domestic hot water systems. EN 15316-1 defines the back-bone to which all the other modules concerning the heating systems are connected. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study to EN 15316-4-2, Heat pumps |
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This case study demonstrates the calculation of the energy performance of a heat pump using the current draft of the revision of EN 15316-4-2 and the accompanying updated spreadsheet. There are several types of heat pumps resulting from the combination of heat source, heat sink and heat pumping technology. The most relevant combinations are identified and investigated in this study. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study to EN 16798-1 Conditions of use |
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This case study concerns EN 16798-1, which is the standard that defines operating conditions inside the building. Standard operating conditions are required to give a reference for the calculation of the energy performance. Any performance evaluation shall be referred to the level of comfort provided. EN 16798-1 has a direct impact on needs, that is the actual amount of energy to be supplied or extracted from the conditioned space to provide the desired level of service. Technical systems may then require more energy than needs (because of losses and auxiliary energy use) or less energy if heat recovery is possible (cross-flow heat exchangers to reduce ventilation needs). You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study EN 16798-5 and 16798-7 – Mechanical Report |
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This case study has an important role in demonstrating the coupling of the spreadsheets of EN ISO 52016-1, EN 17898-7 and EN 17898-5-1, in order to represent the effects different control strategies have on an air conditioning system. The most important aspects demonstrated here are the mechanism of required and actual operational values such as air flow rates or supply air temperatures. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study EN 16798-7 – Natural Ventilation Report |
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This case study demonstrates the calculation of natural ventilation by coupling of the spreadsheets to the standards EN ISO 52016-1 and EN 16798-7. The single family house from CEN_ISO/TR 52016-2 is used. An opening pattern of the east and west windows is used for natural ventilation purposes, using the simplified calculation for openable windows of EN 16798-7. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case study on EN-ISO 52000-1 – Overarching standard |
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Understanding the weighting factors is a critical step in using EN-EPB standards as well as any other alternative energy performance calculation procedure. This case study explains in detail the weighing procedure as an interface between the building calculation and the external world This study concentrates on the following concepts, with the help of a series of videos:
You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study to EN ISO 52000-1 - Overarching standard - Simplified cases |
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The collection of simple cases covers specific impacting features about EN ISO 52000-1. The simplified cases allow to concentrate on single aspects of the standard without the noise and disturbance of the high number of parameters and the time dependence of actual cases. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study to EN ISO 52010-1 – Climatic Data |
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This case study shows how the output can be directly used as input for EN ISO 52016-1 Energy performance of buildings — Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads — Part 1: Calculation procedures (ISO 52016-1:2017). Some of the work has been applied in the frame of webinars from the EPB Center, recordings of which are available under https://epb.center/support/webinars/. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study to EN ISO 52016-1 – Heating and cooling needs and internal temperatures |
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This document presents the case study on EN ISO 52016-1:2017, Energy performance of buildings — Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads — Part 1: Calculation procedures. One of the aims of the study is to show that the choice for hourly instead of monthly calculation procedures (both are covered in EN ISO 52016-1 and in the spreadsheet) does not require extra input data. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case study on EN ISO 52016-1 – Annex F, Solar shading reduction factors |
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This document presents the case study on EN ISO 52016-1:2017, Energy performance of buildings — Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads — Part 1: Calculation procedures. One of the aims of this case study is to show that the choice for hourly instead of monthly calculation procedures (both are covered in EN ISO 52016-1 and in the spreadsheet) does not require extra input data. On the contrary: the input and procedures (e.g. on the control of solar blinds, on the impact of undersized systems, on intermittent heating) is much more straightforward and the output is richer: e.g. includes a score on thermal comfort. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study Multi-family house |
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This case study demonstrates the complete calculation of the energy performance of an entire multi-family building with 16 apartments and the related technical systems using the (CEN and ISO) EPB standards. The objective is to demonstrate that the connections between modules work so that it is possible to perform a complete energy performance calculation with the set of EPB standards.Some variants are also tested to cover the most likely cases coherently with the type of building. This is to check that the system works not only for a single case but for foreseeable configurations of building and technical systems and that the needed modules are available. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study – Single family house |
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This case study demonstrates the complete calculation of the energy performance of a building and the related technical systems using the set of (CEN and ISO) EPB standards. The objective is to demonstrate that the connections between modules work so that it is possible to perform a complete energy performance calculation with the set of EPB standards. Some variants are also tested to cover the most likely cases coherently with the type of building. This is to check that the system works not only for a single case but for foreseeable configurations of buildings and technical systems and that the needed modules are available. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
Case Study – Office building |
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This case study demonstrates the complete calculation of the energy performance of an office building and the related technical systems using the set of (CEN and ISO) EPB standards. The objective is to demonstrate that the connections between modules work so that it is possible to perform a complete energy performance calculation with the set of EPB standards. Some variants are also tested to cover the most likely cases coherently with the type of building. This is to check that the system works not only for a single case but for foreseeable configurations of building and technical systems and that the needed modules are available. You can find more details on this Case Study on its dedicated page on the epb.center website: |
EPB Center |
EPB Center B.V. Weena 505 (33e etage) 3013 AL Rotterdam P.O. Box 577 3000 AN Rotterdam The Netherlands |