EPB Center, Newsletter no. 3 (July 2020) |
Read the online version here | Sign out |
EU Green Deal: Fit for 55 |
The European Commission has released the first part of the "Fit for 55" package of proposals along with the Communication. This set of proposals aims to get the EU's policies on climate, energy, land use, transport, buildings and taxation ready for the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. (key takeaways courtesy of Eurovent) |
Contact us! |
The EPB Center provides tailored services for all involved stakeholders, such as industry, researchers, engineers, building professionals, financial institutions, national standards bodies, EU Member States (e.g. public authorities involved in the application of energy performance of building regulations). If you are one such stakeholder and are in need of technical support or would just like to share your experience we highly encourage you to go ahead and please contact us. ♥ Drop us a line if you have any questions regarding the EPB Center guide on how to fill in National Annexes or National Data Sheets. ♥ Available upon request a file with editable Annexes A/B of (EN) ISO 52000-1, 52003-1, 52010-1, 52016-1 and 52018-1. ♥ Check out the available National Annexes examples of specific EPB standards that are being collected from various countries (if made available for publication). The examples are as a rule anonymized, unless explicitly agreed otherwise. Always remember EPB Center team is here to support you in all your activities related to the set of Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) standards. |
EPB Standards Explained |
EPB Center experts noticed a strong need of short introductions to specific subjects. As a result, a series of short videos has been produced to explain in a few minutes specific subjects. More short videos may be added at later date. Suggestions are welcome!  |
EPB standards webinar series on BuildUp portal |
Watch the 10 webinars for understanding and learning:
- Why the EPB standards came into being to support the implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Mandates M/343 and M/480) and the relation to ongoing EU policy developments vis-à-vis building performance (e.g. people, environment, energy)
- How by design the EPB standards are meant to facilitate the EU-wide transition to a healthy, sustainable and smart built environment
- What online information resources and tailored services are available to all building sector stakeholders for providing guidance to reap all benefits of the EPB standards
These webinars provide a basic training like knowledge base, supporting informed decision making and better practices for all actors that have an indirect and direct impact on EU's building stock. The webinar series can be accessed on EPB Center website per webinar containing the PDF slide decks and recordings of the individual presentations made by EPB Center experts and invited keynote speakers.  |
Newest EPB standard EN 17423 (on reporting Prim.En.Factors + CO2) |
Energy performance of buildings – Determination and reporting of Primary Energy Factors (PEF) and CO2 emission coefficient – General Principles, Module M1-7 This document provides a transparent framework for reporting on the choices related to the procedure to determine PEFs and CO2 Emission coefficients for energy delivered to and/or exported by the buildings as described in EN ISO 52000-1:2017. Exported PEFs and CO2 Emission coefficients can be different from those chosen for delivered energy. This document can be considered as a supporting/complementing standard to EN ISO 52000-1, as the latter requires values for the PEFs and GHG Emissions factors to complete the EPB calculation. READ MORE |
Products And Product Standards |
Link between the product standards & the EPB standards  The materials and products that are used in a building determine to a significant extent its energy consumption. In order to assess the overall energy performance of a building, the relevant product characteristics must therefore be known: specific energy properties of the products serve as (part of the) input for the overall EPB calculation. In the beginning of each EPB standard, all required (product and other) input variables are explicitly listed in tables. READ MORE Highlight on heat pump systems The ErP (product) related heat pump standard EN 14825 and the EPBD related EN 15316-4-2 are both under revision. The aim is to identify where the test data required by these two standards differ. And how in both standards they could be harmonized. A draft version of the revised EN 15316-4-2 is expected to be published later this year. READ MORE |
Updated tools on individual EPB standards (spreadsheets) |
The spreadsheets related to the EPB standards are provided to demonstrate specific elements and features of the calculation procedures in the relevant standard(s). Consequently, they do not replace the EPB standards, but they shall be used along with the EPB standards. ♥ EN ISO 52010-1 Conversion from TMY data set A set of meteorological data (a Typical Meteorological Year, TMY), with data values for every hour in a year for a given geographical location, can be generated using a tool developed and made available by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC). Now, the EPB Center has created a tool to convert such a JRC-TMY data set into the format that is needed as input for the demo XLS on (EN) ISO 52010-1. ♥ EPB Standards Explained ⇒ Exported energy - Details (options A and B) ⇒ Exported energy and impact of calculation interval ♥ EN 16798-5-1 Tool to calculate the energy performance of a ventilation and air conditioning system, according to the corresponding EPB standard, EN 16798-5-1. ♥ EN 16798-7 This spreadsheet comprises the implementation of the calculation method for air flow rates for natural ventilation. A separate spreadsheet has been created for the mechanical ventilation flow rates. ♥ EN 16798-7 This spreadsheet comprises the implementation of the calculation method for air flow rates for mechanical ventilation. A separate spreadsheet has been created for the natural ventilation flow rates. ♥ EN 16798-9 This spreadsheet comprises the implementation of the simplified calculation for the general part of cooling systems. All option choices are implemented and functional. ♥ EN 16798-13 This spreadsheet comprises the implementation of method A in the standard for calculation of cooling generation systems. All option choices are implemented and functional. The generation of the performance map for compression chillers is included. |
In search for answers to your questions? |
Check out the FAQ available on EPB Center website. EPB Center team is continuously publishing frequently asked questions on a wide range of topics related to the EPB standards. ♥ What is the set of EPB standards? ♥ Are the EPB standards only relevant in Europe? ♥ How does the set of EPB standards take into account national differences? ♥ How should I fill in a so called “National Annex”? In case of remaining unanswered questions please go ahead and contact us! Back to clickable navigation ⇑ |
Training and certification for building professionals on the EPB standards |
REHVA mobile application visualize the EPB standards |
EPB Center |
EPB Center B.V. Weena 505 (33e etage) 3013 AL Rotterdam P.O. Box 577 3000 AN Rotterdam The Netherlands |