U-CERT Project's 2nd eNewsletter Read the online version here
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EU Green Deal: Fit for 55
The European Commission has released the first part of the "Fit for 55" package of proposals along with the Communication. This set of proposals aims to get the EU's policies on climate, energy, land use, transport, buildings and taxation ready for the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. (key takeaways courtesy of Eurovent, U-CERT supporter)
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EPB standards supporting EPBD's implementation
To provide flexibility in the application of the set of EPB standards, clearly identified choices are offered in each EPB standard, to account for (national or regional) differences in climate, culture and building tradition, building typologies, policy and legal frameworks. The U-CERT converged set of National Datasheets may significantly support further harmonization of the set of EPB standards.
♥ U-CERT deliverable
♥ Workshop | recording | slide deck
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Detailed common calculation and measurement protocols for the U-CERT case studies
Providing evidence of applicability and usefulness is accomplished by testing and demonstrating the U-CERT approach in the U-CERT case studies accross the U-CERT countries. Thus, the underpinning objective is to test and demonstrate the U-CERT methodology through the practical implementation of the protocol.
The results and analyses of the U-CERT case studies will be used as feedback loop to adjust and fine-tune the methodologies, tools, services and supporting business models.
♥ U-CERT deliverable
♥ U-CERT session Romanian Conference on EPB 2021 | recording | slide deck
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People-centred Energy Performance Certificates for buildings
New EPC schemes and related business models will be successful as a user-centred concept only if their value will be recognized by non-experts. In other words, if we want to make EPCs a user-centred product, they must be established and recognized as a useful tool in service of the people in their everyday life.
  • U-CERT deliverables
  • Workshop | recording | slide deck
  • REHVA Journal article
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Building performance indicators based on measured data for holistic EPCs
In the current implementation of EPCs, the assessment focus is purely on the energy consumption data of buildings. For new buildings and major renovations, the EPCs are generally calculated during the design process of the building when all design documentation is available but is utilized only for the aspects minimally required by the EPBD. Within the EPC framework, the problem is not the availability of performance indicators, but with the assessment effort required (cost and level of qualification necessary) for these indicators.
U-CERT deliverable
Feature in SmartBuilt4EU 1st brochure
U-CERT was featured in the 1st Smart Buildings EU-funded innovations brochure (page 55) prepared within the scope of the Horizon 2020 project SmartBuilt4EU  (supporter of Europe’s smart building ecosystem). The SmartBuilt4EU project is a 30-month project funded by the H2020 program and led by ECTP, the European Construction, built environment and energy efficient building Technology Platform.
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BACS requirements in the revised EPBD: Compliant BACS are prerequisite to the digital transformation of EU’s built environment
Leonardo Energy | BACS Academy webinar | recording | slide deck

U-CERT is supporting the evolution process of European Energy Performance Certificates which inherently relies on compliant BACS for closing the performance gap, very much needed for an effective and successful implementation of the EU's Renovation Wave Strategy.
U-CERT team is ready to support the BACS compliance verification process at both EU and national levels by ensuring links with the processes already in place for Energy Performance Certificates and soon to be put in place for the Smart Readiness Indicator.
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U-CERT showcased at CA EPBD V 4th plenary meeting
U-CERT project was introduced to the representatives of EU's Member States in the Concerted Action Energy Performance of Buildings 4th plenary meeting.
Alongside, U-CERT project, the sister projects on this topic that started activities in 2019 were also presented Xtendo and QualDeEPC.
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Energy transition: new business models to de-risk investments and kick start the EU building renovation wave
♥ #EUSEW2020 session | recording | slides
♥ To support the transition, U-CERT, together with 6 H2020 projects have drafted recommendations in a letter to policymakers, investigating ways to enable the mass adoption of energy efficiency measures and smart technologies supporting the uptake of more renewable energy sources.
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Do your activities relate to the overall Energy Performance of Buildings Directive? Or specifically to building performance assessment and management, the Energy Performance Certification schemes, the set of Energy Performance of Buildings standards, the smart readiness of buildings (SRI), financing building performance improvements? Or you are an end-user of Energy Performance Certificates?
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 839937. The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission.