EPB Center, Newsletter no. 5 (February 2022) |
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EPB Center becomes more visible and stands by EPBD revision |
As we entered 2022, many important milestones have been reached within the EPB horizon. With the publication of the revised EPBD to which EPB Center is a strong supporter given its expertise in the field, we are also looking forward to some more internal breakthroughs and a much more visible brand image. You can read in this newsletter how the first quarter of this year is a favorable period for getting established as an autonomous consultancy business. |
EPB Center supports the EPBD revision |
At the end of last year, the European Commission has published the new revised Energy Performance for Buildings Directive, that aims at more ambitious goals than the previous versions. One of the most groundbreaking such goals is the ZEB2030 one, which makes a step forward from current NZEB to zero-emission building (ZEB), aligning the energy performance requirement for new buildings to the longer-term climate neutrality goal and “energy efficiency first principle”. EPB Center, with its extensive expertise on this area, is a key supporter for the EPBD revision and aims at implementing these ambitious goals set by the directive. With our tailored consultancy services and digital tools developed to the specific needs of public and private organizations alike, we fully engage in making the EPBD goals a reality. |
EPBCenter is now also on Facebook |
As we continue to leverage our expertise in the Energy Performance of Buildings field, we felt more and more the need for an extended public presence that can make EPB Center stand out as a key market actor and make our work more visible. We have thus welcomed the opportunity to also communicate our activity on Facebook, becoming more social and coming closer to the needs of potential collaborators. Behind all the standards, the spreadsheets and the digital tools there are mostly people that do all the work with the aim to reach other people with valuable content and customized consultancy. Come visit, like and follow our EPB Center Facebook Page and stay up to date with our latest achievements. |
Additional Tools and Case Studies available on EPB.CENTER website |
As our experts keep working on the development and implementation strategies for the EPB Standards, their research proves valuable and we are proud to showcase it as best practices for any specific situation that may come across our collaborator’s building needs. Most of the work done during the Service Contract with the European Commission has paid off to be an essential resource that we can leverage to establish EPB Center as a knowledge platform and implementation facilitator for any professional willing to abide by the EPB Standards. On this consideration, we have started to publish on the epb.center website a series of relevant Case Studies that can showcase the applicability of our experts’ work. We have started the series with 2 essential case studies that are already available on epb.center: ♥ Case Study EN 16798-7 – Mechanical Report This case study has an important role in demonstrating the coupling of the spreadsheets of EN ISO 52016-1, EN 17898-7 and EN 17898-5-1, in order to represent the effects different control strategies have on an air conditioning system. The most important aspects demonstrated here are the mechanism of required and actual operational values such as air flow rates or supply air temperatures. ♥ Demo EN ISO 52016-1 / Solar shading by obstacles This spreadsheet comprises a full annual calculation of the hourly shading reduction factors. Prime application: EN ISO 52016-1 (calculation of energy needs for heating and cooling and internal temperatures). But also applicable to system components, such as thermal solar collectors and photovoltaic panels. The calculation procedures used in this spreadsheet are fully described in the normative Annex F of (EN) ISO 52016-1. More Case Studies will be published soon in a dedicated newsletter, so stay tuned for additional valuable content on EPB Standards implementation examples. |
In search for answers to your questions? |
Check out the FAQ available on EPB Center website. EPB Center team is continuously publishing frequently asked questions on a wide range of topics related to the EPB standards. ♥ What is the set of EPB standards? ♥ Are the EPB standards only relevant in Europe? ♥ How does the set of EPB standards take into account national differences? ♥ How should I fill in a so called “National Annex”? In case of remaining unanswered questions please go ahead and contact us! Back to clickable navigation ⇑ |
EPB Center will be organising 2 workshops at CLIMA 2022 |
On Tuesday, 24th May, EPB Center will be organizing 2 innovative workshops at CLIMA 2022 in Rotterdam:
- "Support, consultancy and services for the implementation and practical use of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings Standards" under the Energy Theme, and
- “CEN-CE scheme roll-out: harmonised training and certification of experts on EPB standards” under the Learning and Education Theme
The first workshop, “Support, consultancy and services for the implementation and practical use of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings standards” has as main purpose to promote, educate and highlight the importance of the implementation of EPB Standards in the ever more important sustainable economy. As the need for learning and educational content on the implementation of EPB Standards increases, the second workshop organised by EPB Center, “CEN-CE scheme roll-out: harmonised training and certification of experts on EPB standards” brings on valuable tools and an innovative Learning Management System that provides in-depth training on the implementation of the set of EPB standards. For more details regarding the content of the workshops, you can see the dedicated entry in the REHVA Journal. (pages 80-81) Interested in joining any (or both) of these two insightful and hands-on-approach workshops? Save your seat and register now at CLIMA2022. |
REHVA mobile application visualize the EPB standards |
EPB Center |
EPB Center B.V. Weena 505 (33e etage) 3013 AL Rotterdam P.O. Box 577 3000 AN Rotterdam The Netherlands |