Welcome and introduction
Bart Biebuyk, Executive Director Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 5 min
Melissa van Hoorn, Regional Minister of Energy, Groningen Province, The Netherlands | 5 min
Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, Clean Planet Directorate | 10 min |
Session 0: State of play Hydrogen Valleys.
Mission Innovation – The state of play of H2 Valleys with an emphasis in Europe
Markus Kaufmann, Principal, Roland Berger | 15 min
European H2 Valleys Partnership
Zoé Buyle-Bodin, Mission Representative, Normandy Region, France
and Mara Bubberman, Northern Netherlands Region Brussels | 15 min |
Session 1: Collaboration of H2 Valleys. Successful engagement of public and private stakeholders.
Moderator: Torsten Klimke, Head of Innovation and Research Unit, DG MOVE, European Commission
Example of successful management of public and private stakeholders
Carmen Font, Managing Director, Font Corporation, Aragon Region, Spain | 10 min
Overview from the industry
Katarina Muse, Manager, Regional Pillar and Skills, Hydrogen Europe |10 min
Overview from the Research Perspective
Luigi Crema, President, Hydrogen Europe Research | 10 min
Panel discussion/Q&A
30 min |
Session 2: Create and manage a project consortium. Coalition building and management of a large project.
Moderator: Melissa van Hoorn, Regional Minister Energy and Climate Province of Groningen
HEAVENN project: Northern Netherlands Valley
Patrick Cnubben, Director Hydrogen Strategy, New Energy Coalition, Geerte de Jong, Programme Manager HEAVENN, New Energy Coalition | 10 min
North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project
Marco Bahor, Executive director of the development and investment sector for Slovenian utility HSE | 10 min
Grande Region Hydrogen, European Economic Interest Grouping
Anamaria Zianveni, Project Manager CEO, Encevo | 10 min
Challenges and opportunities from the Occitanie Region
Romane Faure, Policy Officer Transport, Environment, Energy and Climate Occitanie Region, France | 10 min
Panel discussion/Q&A
20 mins
Session 3: Securing public financial support /public commitment/ state-aid and regulatory issues
Moderator: Antonio Aguilo, Project Officer, Clean Hydrogen Partnership
TRIERES: Hydrogen Valley in Corinthia, Greece
Konstantinos Chatzifotis, EU Affairs Manager at Motor Oil | 10 min
GreenHysland project: Mallorca Valley, Spain
Carlos Navas, Head of Strategy and Regulatory Affairs, Enagas | 10 min
eFarm: Hydrogen Valley in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Andre Steinau, CEO, GP Joule Hydrogen GmbH in Reußenköge, Germany | 10 min
Shamrock: Hydrogen Valley in Galway, Ireland
Simon Robertson, Partnership Funding Manager, SSE Renewables (Ireland) Limited | 10 mins
Panel discussion/Q&A
20 mins |
Closing of the day
Mirela Atanasiu, Head of Operations and Communication, Clean Hydrogen Partnership