BUFFER+ kick-off Thursday 12th of October
Location: House of the Province, Martinikerkhof 12, Groningen
--Buffering water to buffer carbon in peatlands--
9:00 doors open [coffee and tea avaliable]
9:30 official opening by Provincial Deputy Johan Hamster
9:40 BUFFER+ aims and objectives by Roos Galjaard
10:00 vision on peatlands and buffering water in the North of the Netherlands by ecologist Eddy Wymenga
10:30 coffee break
11:00 challenges and activities per partner [5 regions]
12:00 wrap-up by project leader Hetty Mathijssen
12:15 lunch in Atrium
If you want to attend, fill in this form down below. Make sure to inform us about any dietary requirements.
E-mail adress
2 + 8 =
First name
Last name
Do you have any dietary requirements?
Yes, vegetarian
Yes, vegan
Other, namely