TU Delft Alumni
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Registration form alumni hosts 

Event in a Box - Sinterklaas edition 2021

Would you like to host a Sinterklaas themed TU Delft alumni meeting in your city? Then please leave your details below and we will get back to you to make it happen!

For more information about the concept 'Event in a Box', please visit this webpage.

Please note that if a face-to-face event is no longer possible due to certain restrictions, we can try to host the event online instead.

What is expected from alumni hosts?
  • Be our main point of contact for this event
  • Pick a date, time and place for the event
  • Be the host during the event
  • Help us spread the invitation

What will Alumni Relations do? Everything else!
  • Send out invitations to alumni for the event
  • Take care of all the registrations
  • Fill a box with everything you need for the event
  • Send the box right to your doorstep

Your personal information

Day - Month - Year
We hope you will be able to host a face-to-face event in your own city, but we are aware that certain restrictions might be put in place that will prevent this from happening. If that is the case, we will look into organising an online event for several locations who cannot meet in person.
To which address can we send the box with everything you need for the event?
Month - Day - Year
Heeft u vragen, opmerkingen, tips of ideeën voor het Alumni Relations team? Neem dan contact op via alumnirelations@tudelft.nl.

Wilt u uw (adres)gegevens of communicatie voorkeuren wijzigen? Dat kan via tudelftforlife.nl.
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TU Delft for Life
Tudelftforlife.nl is de wereldwijde ontmoetingsplaats voor alle Delftse alumni. Breid je netwerk uit, kom in contact met oud studiegenoten en blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en evenementen.
TU Delft Alumni