Hello Nick,
Happy Monday!
Here are some things we would like you to have in mind this week:
BRAVO categories - have you chosen
We know you quite well so can choose your BRAVO categories for you OR to be sure you are where you want to be please send us an email or fill in this form. Please only choose 4 categories.
BRAVO Launch Party - we’d love to see you there
Join us on February 4th from 6pm to 9pm for a fantastic gathering of hospitality folk with generously subsidised drinks and tasty nibbles. Tickets are free (optional donation to Prept Foundation) and can be booked here.
Sustainability Workshop - we need you
This Wednesday, January 29th from 9:30 to 11:30 at Hotel du Vin. If you’re interested in connecting with other hospitality folk to discuss challenges and opportunities around sustainability, this is a great opportunity. Restaurants Brighton and the University of Brighton are co-hosting, so simply reply to this email and let us know if you want to join in.
Have you subscribed to our consumer newsletter yet?
It’s packed with food news, local updates, and features of you and your venue!
Subscribing will ensure you’re in the loop: https://restaurantsbrighton.co.uk/newsletter-sign-up/
Let me know if you have any questions or need more info about any of the above.
All the best,