Goodbye to Valeria Garbin and Marcel Ottens |
After years of being active MT members of Pro2Tech, both Valeria Garbin and Marcel Ottens are stepping down. Because their current work requires so much attention, it is difficult to combine this with MT membership. They have been of great value to the Pro2Tech board. |
Marieke Klijn new Pro2Tech MT member |
Where people say goodbye, vacancies arise and we are very pleased that Marieke Klijn has joined the Pro2Tech management team. Because of her efforts for the Food and Pharma cluster, we have long known that we enjoy working with her. Although many already know her, she would like to introduce herself to you. |
NWO Vici for Atsushi Urakawa and Valeria Garbin |
Valeria Garbin and Atsushi Urakawa each have obtained an NWO Vici grant of 1.5 M Euro. This is a highly competitive and prestigious grant, which will enable them to develop an innovative line of research and further expand their own research group for a period of five years. Vici is one of the largest personal scientific grants in the Netherlands and is aimed at advanced researchers. |
An optical aptasensor for real-time quantification of Endotoxin |
Highly accurate control of endotoxin is crucial for food and pharmaceutical products. However, current endotoxin detection relies on multi-step processes that are labour-intensive, time-consuming and unsustainable. Research by Dr Alina Rwei et al reports an aptamer-based biosensor that shows high specificity, reliability and reusability for repeated endotoxin measurements. |
Van 't Hoff Lecture 2023: Cost-effective Upscaling of Cultivated Meat, an interesting challenge |
In the scientific development of cultured meat, the unimaginable scale of cell/tissue production and the need for low-cost production are challenges of a technical and logistical nature. Not only the optimisation of existing processes, but also new scientific developments are needed to overcome these challenges. By Marc J. Post, MD, PhD Prof of Sustainable Industrial Tissue Engineering Maastricht University CSO Mosa Meat TUESDAY 30 MAY 2023 | 17:30-18:30 hrs TU Delft Aula Congres Centrum and Online |
Getting into and out of a sticky situation, courtesy of industry, Lecture by Christine Hrenya |
How do you convince the interested industry that you can significantly reduce a level of uncertainty about size variations of cohesive particles in a relatively short period of time and with today's resources, so that they will give you the financial support needed to do so? A highly satisfying scientific journey. By Christine Hrenya Prof. of Chemical and Biological Engineering University of Colorado FRIDAY 21 APRIL 2023 | 10:30-11:30 hrs On location and Online |
PhD and Postdoc course Safe by Design |
Many materials, products and processes still cause unintended harm, even though safety is a prominent issue in the professional environment of researchers and innovators. Safe (& Sustainable) by Design (S(S)bD) is an approach that renews and expands our focus on safety from the earliest design stages by considering it in relation to other important values such as sustainability, safety and circularity. The course is free and open to PhD students and Postdocs. |